Co-Pastor & Director of Women's Ministry

Rev. Frances T. Feliciano
"…For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations." Isaiah 56:7
Pastor Frances Feliciano who we will affectionately call "Franqui," was born and raised in NYC. She came to know Christ as her Savior as a young woman and discovered early on the call that was upon her life. Pastor Franqui is a woman of prayer! She is an intercessory prayer warrior who will battle in the spirit until the fight is won. Pastor Franqui also minister's with a prophetic mantel to deliver a timely word of exhortation from the Lord in and out of season. She is a help meet to our senior pastor and is a mother of 5 children, 3 of which are all grown up and on their own.
Pastor Franqui is a woman devoted to the Lord, His word, and her family. She is led by the Spirit of God and used in various ministries. Currently, she is working with the Women's ministry of Soul Purpose church; she leads in intercessory prayer; she is one of the Worship Leaders on the praise team, and she is now preparing to launch a new ministry called "The Joshua Tribe."
In addition, Pastor Franqui has studied at the Omega Bible Institute and Seminary and has been recently ordained by AEGA - (Association of Evangelical Gospel Assembly) in March of 2012. She has preached and taught at Soul Purpose Evangelical Church and is also sought after for speaking engagements at various women's conferences in the tri-state region. She is currently the Vice President of the Board and Co-Pastor of the church.
It is impossible for you to be in the same room with Pastor Franqui and not to be greeted by her. She is warm, friendly and inviting and unquestionably on fire for Jesus Christ. Her life is one of Service, Humility, Love and Commitment to Christ. Each morning her family rises and calls her blessed! We here at Soul Purpose express those same sentiments. We are blessed by her ministry to us all!